Our Purpose
Simply put...
Digalyne Consulting, LLC is a digital strategy consulting firm bridging the digital divide and empowering rising business for digital readiness.

Meet the Founder
Founder, Ajia A., noticed a trend among small business owners: they’d reach a point where they wanted to expand, but were uncertain of how to do so. Even further, the divide between businesses in communities of color and the greater digital economy was gaping. These observations inspired a service firm designed to bridge a knowledge and resources gap as organizations launch and scale, while taking hold of new approaches to digital entrepreneurship.
A native to the Washington, DC metro area, she is a certified member of the Project Management Institute and scholar in the Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Arts in Strategic Communications and Digital Marketing, and Bachelor of Arts for studies in Communications and Marketing Management. Ajia is a strategist, encourager, and lifelong advocate for social equity.
Digalyne Consulting is more than your run-of-the-mill digital strategy consultancy. Our business model delivers a unique amalgam of forward thinking, technical solutions, and comprehensive support that melds client pace with strategy for real-time delivery.
More than just consultants, we are experts in the industry, with a passion for helping people win. We work as if your vision is our own because, simply put, we want to see you rise.